This is Salem, your personal Inquisitorial Dominatrix rummaging through London.

I am a twenty-something northern-Spanish student and artist; a sadist at heart with a hedonistic mind that delights in finding new ways to creatively torture men.
A natural Dominant, I will gladly bring you to your knees and show you the kind of delights that await you there. Put yourself in my hands, and you shall soon find why Ulises fell under Circe’s spell.
I am always eager to learn new stuff – be it magical or computer inclined. I can code in several languages, but I’d much rather learn a new, human-spoken one. I’m fluent in English and Spanish, and a bit rusty in Basque and French.
What can I say? You’re going to love the Spanish Inquisition.
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @naughtySalem