There are few things more satisfying to me than allowing my sharp tongue to pour all her maliciousness over the mind of whomever I am spanking at that moment; impact play without verbal humiliation doesn’t quite do it for me, personally. If I am hurting your body, I want to make sure I am hurting your mind as well: mens poenas in corpore poenas, if you might.

There’s a certain nostalgia involved with a good spanking that’s rounded with a good verbal humiliation, as we take what it’s socially thought to be a humiliating practice and take that up a notch reinforcing this subjacent belief in the bottom (I could not resist this pun). Impact play is usually part of a discipline routine: the bottom is not behaving properly so the top enacts a painful physical act upon them so that they (might) learn. Of course, there are also masochists who enjoy the punishment, the humiliation or the pain of the situation – and it’s been theorized that it’s through this enjoyment of the pain/subjugation/powerlessness that the bottom might enter subspace.
So if it’s only a matter of physical stimuli, why throw verbal humiliation in the mix? Well, first and foremost, there’s no such thing as “just physical stimuli”. Your brain processes a huge number of stimuli, and pain is one of the most subjective and psychologically involved of them. Second, if impact play is being used as a punishment, in order to learn a lesson, said lesson will be learned much easily if repeated and explained throughout the duration of the treatment (if you ever need to memorize something quickly, I suggest you masturbate or hurt yourself a bit while you repeat it). On the other hand, if the aim of said impact play is to further the bottom’s journey to subspace, the adequate mental estate plays an absolutely central role in the experience, and there are few tools as powerful to remind a bottom of where they belong than verbal humiliation. Finally, and most importantly, I fucking love the combination.
Now, does this mean that if you don’t enjoy verbal humiliation (which, honestly, is a pretty risky practice in which the limits should always be discussed beforehand) you won’t be able to enjoy a proper spanking? Obviously not. But verbal humiliation, if done correctly and given that the bottom is in the right state of mind to receive it, will enhance the corporal punishment session, extending the physical pain to the psychological realm in an extremely effective way.
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